College Update

I graduated from the Walnut Hill  School for the Arts on June 6, 2015 with honors. 

There is not enough words to describe how thankful I am for the past three years. I am thankful for the friends and connection I have made, and all the knowledge gained. Special thanks go to my college counselor Sarah Lovely, my voice teachers Debra Parker and Angela Gooch, and to my composition teacher Mr. Brown for guiding me through this year. 



Leaving Walnut Hill isn't so bad, after all I will still be in Boston at NEC! I joke a lot with my friends that it feels like I am doing a post-grad program because the community of artists in Boston and especially at NEC prep is very tight. However, I know I will miss a lot of my friends who are going to colleges far from Boston, some even in other countries. 

The idea of going to college is sort of like a dream... I'm not so sure what to expect but I'm excited to start a new chapter in my life. 

Go WHS class of 2015 and NEC class of 2019 ! 


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